Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions
The Platform included different user permissions - admins, students, teachers, publishers - and required the design of multiple user accounts tiers.
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions
Features and Functions:
The features and functions list included a Browse and Search functionality, Registration, a Book view, Book request, Unlock Book, Create Book Extract, Extract Management, Share and others.
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions UX Sketches ideas
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions UX Sketches ideas
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions UX Sketches ideas
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions UX Sketches ideas
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions UX Sketches ideas
Brief requirement notes notebook features and functions UX Sketches ideas
Information Architecture & Content Structure
I've created a document explaining all the content structure and information architecture of the platform. Including user journeys, functionality details, purpose, behaviour, etc.
UX specifications features and functions details Registration Sign in desktop structure
UX specifications features and functions details Registration Sign in desktop structure
UX specifications features and functions details Browse desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details Browse desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details search desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details search desktop user journey structure
UX specifications featuUX specifications features and functions details book page look inside buy book desktop user journey structureres and functions details book page look inside buy book desktop user journey structure
UX specifications featuUX specifications features and functions details book page look inside buy book desktop user journey structureres and functions details book page look inside buy book desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details unlock desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details unlock desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details homepage dashboard desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details homepage dashboard desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details copy activate share students desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details copy activate share students desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details create copy management page desktop user journey structure
UX specifications features and functions details create copy management page desktop user journey structure
CLA education Platform Sitemap homepage account library register search
UI Design
To finalise, I also had the chance of working on the initial UI Design for this platform, testing different concepts and visuals...
Desktop UI Design CLA Education Platform
Some Mobile Designs
Mobile UI Designs CLA Education Platform
Some Desktop Designs
CLA Desktop UI Design Education Platform
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