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Content Analysis
The first stage of the project was to analyse Kinetic’s old website content - the differences between the different markets and the type of content on each page - to understand critical spots of the website and potential opportunities to make Kinetic stand out.
Kinetic website desktop UX review
User testing
After having a good understanding of Kinetic’s website, I performed 5 user testing sessions with people that don’t know Kinetic and what Kinetic does. The main purpose was to understand what’s the main message people get from Kinetic’s website.
Usability User testing sessions infographic frustration level graph
This survey's main purpose was to reflect on how Kinetic’s employees would define the company and get some key concepts from their answers. After all, these are the people that are involved with Kinetic’s work and culture on a daily basis.

35 surveys were answered across different territories.
UX survey words count exercise user research campaigns advertising market agency planning
UX survey words count exercise user research campaigns advertising market agency planning
UX survey words count exercise user research we people creative specialist
UX survey words count exercise user research we people creative specialist
Listing the most common words was a very useful exercise in order to define Kinetic better - in a bold and straight way.
Kinetic UX User Research survey most common words analysis
Interviews & Personas
I interviewed 3 people (2 personas) that are Kinetic’s target audience. These interviews helped me understand not only Kinetic’s current users but also potential users.

The main purpose of these interviews was to understand as much as possible about their process of finding services like Kinetic and what kind of information they will be looking for.
User Research Persona & User interview man Ben
User Research Persona & User interview man Ben
User Research Persona & User interview woman Ruxandra
User Research Persona & User interview woman Ruxandra
Competitors Analysis
Looking at Kinetics' competitors gives us a great opportunity to stand out. Kinetic should exceed expectations, and break convention.
UX Kinetic competitors analysis
Also a collection of good examples which we can take some inspiration from in terms of Look & feel, Navigation and Experience.
UX good examples Kinetic competitors analysis
Card sorting
The card sorting exercise was very useful in order to understanding where users placed the different pieces of content within the website.
For this exercise, 6 people were asked to organise in different groups (as many as they want) a specific selection of words and explain the logic behind those.
UX Kinetic Card Sorting User exercise
The combination of all the user research and various exercises made me get to the final website sitemap., Information architecture and content structure.
UX Sitemap Information architecture & content structure
UX Kinetic Sitemap Information architecture & content structure
To finalise all the user research and testing, the wireframe process starts. Always with Sketching first, trying to generate ideas and innovative ways to communicate Kinetics' main goals.
UX Design prototype Sketches
UX Notebook wireframes sketches notes
UX Notebook wireframes sketches notes
UX Notebook wireframes sketches notes
UX Notebook wireframes sketches notes
UX Notebook wireframes sketches notes
UX Notebook wireframes sketches notes
UX Notebook wireframes sketches notes
UX Notebook wireframes sketches notes
After a lot of sketching and having a solid idea of how every page will look like, I designed the digital wireframes. 
Kinetic UX Design digital  wireframes
Check the next phase of the project here. On the hand of my colleague Richard Firth.
Check the live website here!
Thank you for taking the time to see the processes of this project. If you have any questions feel free to get in touch.

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